Investing your money is one of the single best ways to achieve your financial ambitions. Not only does your money get an opportunity to grow, but once you’re careful to diversify your investments and take a medium- to long-term approach, you can limit the amount of risk you take, if any, to match what you are comfortable with. If you are considering investing your money, here are a few questions to ask yourself:
- What kind of a return do I want from the money I invest?
- What level of risk am I happy with?
- How long do I want to invest for?
- What are the tax implications?
- Do I want a regular income from my investments?
Working together, we help clients answer these questions, allowing them to build the best investment strategy for themselves. We take the time to understand the extent of your financial needs and ambitions, helping you discover the type of investor you really are. We implement the following three step process to get the best results:
1: Review your financial circumstances and ambitions
We discuss your needs, concerns and investment objectives so that we all have a complete picture of your attitude to risk, your need for security and what you want to achieve.
2: Choose the best market opportunities
We review every opportunity in the market to find those that fit your investor profile and are best placed to achieve your investment objectives.
3: Monitor your investments
Once your investment plan is in place, we constantly monitor it to ensure that it continues to match your needs. We'll let you know if, and when, it needs adjusting and we'll keep an eye on the market for any suitable opportunities that arise or regulatory changes that might affect your investment.
We can advise on all types of investments from the very traditional right through to some you might not have heard about.